Getting ready

Back in UB, preparing for next field session. This will be a short one, only five weeks or so in field. We are heading for the area where we had our first Base Camp. Last time we lived there in spring 2011 we caught four cats. We are hoping to change collars on Lasya and Anu so we can keep following them and their cubs. It will also be interesting to see if Khavar is still around, we found his collar this spring but no cat in it.

This will be my last field session for the PhD. A little strange to think that I have been here for more than four years now and this is the end of it. Well, not really the end – there is a lot of data to analyze and publish. It’s fitting to end the fieldwork in the same place as it started, the old Base Camp or Yamaan uus (the goat water) as the place is called in Mongolian.

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